Tuesday, October 13, 2009

July/Aug/Sept Newsletter


an Athletes For Education Program


Jul/Aug/Sept '09 News from ALANA'S ACHIEVERS
Dear Patty,

Wow ... Alana has been very busy since school was out last year! She went to Magic Mountain, Boston for the Youth Venture Summit, AYSO soccer camp, helped with Vacation Bible School at Santa Sophia, attended a family reunion in Vegas, played volleyball, and lots of auditions since July and then soccer practice started in August. Alana is in 7th grade and very excited to be out of elementary school. She thinks she's a "teen", however, she has to be reminded that she's only 12 and has to wait another 7 mos. for that title! (lol) Soccer season has begun so she's playing goalie half a game and for those who know Alana well ... it's a big deal!

Her duties as a US Ambassador have begun as well so they blog, have Skype meetings, conference calls and chat online. They are hosting a YV Playathon Day across the US on Nov 7th to help raise money for their ventures and Hasbro donated these Playathon kits which is great fundraising tool!

Alana got to invite two of her friends, Tasha & Kacee, to attend the Miley Cyrus concert in Anaheim two weeks ago. Alana, along with another Youth Service America member were being honored by Miley with a "meet & greet" and concert tickets. Alana had an audition for a Disney pilot in Hollywood and I tried to make it but traffic was a nightmare and we were about 5 min. late so they had already taken the other group back to meet Miley! The girls were very bummed and I felt so bad! They had amazing seats though about 15ft from the stage and had an awesome time at the concert!

A big "Thank You" to David Oates of Stalwart Communications as he helped Alana in getting 4 local media interviews back in August to help bring awareness to her scholarship program! If you missed them, they are posted on AEO and there are still some scholarships available!

David's contact info:

Living Advantage, Inc. - Fundraiser
Sept 12, 2009

Alana was the celebrity Guest Host for the Living Advantage fundraiser on Sept 12th at Skateland in Northridge. They were able to raise sponsorship for over 70 foster kids so it was a great success and Alana was very honored to host the event! This is the second event Alana has had the opportunity to help out for Living Advantage this year as it's a wonderful program with amazing people that helps support foster kids. Please check out their website to learn more about the positive ways they are making a difference in the lives of hundreds of foster kids!

The mission of Living Advantage, Inc. is to provide a virtual online network for at risk and foster youth. http://www.livingadvantageinc.org/

Santee Summer Day Camp - Guest Speaker
Sept. 3, 2009

Alana was invited to speak at the Santee Summer Day camp the week before school started. She shared with them her experience of being on "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader" and about being in sho business. Her main focus was talking to them about the importance of getting a good education, becoming a good reader which would help them become a successful adult, making healthy lifestyle choices, why we should all give back to our communities, how they could become young-changemakers and that they should reach for the stars and go for their dreams! She explained to them that it takes a lot of hard work to achieve their goals but to never give up!!! They had a lot of questions for her and she signed autographs. It was 95 degrees so I was shocked at the campers who were sitting in the sun and didn't move during her speech! Alana had a lot of fun and she has been asked to speak to the teenagers about youth social entrepreneurship who help run the Teen Center and other programs for the city!
Afro Puffs and Ponytails Award
"High Achiever"

Alana was honored by Afro Puffs and Ponytails as one of their "High Achievers" last week! Thank you Kim Thomas for supporting African American girls by inspiring and recognizing their success!!!

We seek to empower African American young girls and teen girls by teaching the importance of taking care of their minds, bodies, and souls.


Despite continuing advances in medicine and technology, the need for organs and tissue is vastly greater than the number available for transplantation. You can make a difference by inspiring others and spreading the word about organ donation. We have a dear friend, Kourtney, Kacee's younger sister, who is 7yrs old, has a life threatening illness and awaiting a multi-organ transplant so we are trying to help bring awareness for organ donation!


There are many problems facing all of our communities so it's up to each of us to address those problems and volunteer to help make a difference. All it takes is some of your time and you can do it at any age! Find a cause, or several causes to support so that we can all make our communities, our country and our world a better place!

These are some of the organizations that Alana supports or that she has been recognized for her work as a young-changemaker:

Contact Information
phone: 6198928940
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