Monday, July 13, 2009

नेशनल यूथ वेंतुरे सुम्मित २००९ - उस Ambassador

The Nat’l Youth Venture Summit was so amazing! It was such an honor to be around so many wonderful people that are also trying to make a difference! The सुम्मित provided some great workshops at MIT and Harvard for our Ambassador training. I’ve learned a lot about “Web 2.0”, Human-trafficking, “how and what” to do as a US Ambassador so I am very excited to be connecting with other Youth Venturers on a regular basis. I also learned how to promote my program better by both the web and relationship building through networking. I think we can help each other as we all have many of the same goals and need to raise more money for our programs so we can help more people. Also, we can help each other out when we have entered competitions where the winner is determined by how many votes a person gets so we can help spread the word to all of our friends and families to vote. It’s been great to hear from many of the Ambassadors this past week! We are going to change our communities, our countries and the world.

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